The party entered the Catacombs of Wrath and headed to the newly cleared stairway. The stairway was filled with webs even though they had been previously cleared. Phain did a detect magic and it was confirmed to be magical webs. Studying them he and Khazen realized they were the result of a guards and wards spell, a defensive spell used to protect a stronghold. Clearing the webs with fire, they made it to the bottom, and Phain used his rogue skills to bypass the magically locked door.
Inside there were fog filled hallways and writing on every inch of the walls. A voice from the fog grilled them for information, but was willing to answer a question for every one asked. They confirmed this was Xaliasa, who was a follower of Lamshtu, and wasn't going to give them the answers they wanted peacefully. Xaliasa, now known as the Scribbler, disappeared from the fog after making some threats.
Having checked out a few room, they confirmed this had once or was again a temple to Lamashtu. Heading west from the initial room they came to a shrine. Inside a shrine was a huge demon that Khazen identified as a Glabrezu.
The glabrezu had mirror image on so the druid cast dispel magic on it to remove it. Orik charged in and attacked with Vale. Phain worked his way closer to attack it, while Khazen cast hast to make everyone faster.
The scribbler was invisible and casting summons from the hallway leading out of the room, and summon a Hezrou and a shadow demon. Preacher blasted the shadow demon twice with searing light killing it, while Vale and Khazen moved to attack the Scribbler. Xantumal conjured an earth elemental to also attack the Scribbler while he himself turned into one and attacked the Hezrou. Khazen was hit with a confusion spell and was acting randomly, though managed to use a slow spell on the Scribbler..
Feeling outnumbered the Scribbler dimensioned door to Shalelu and Hogie expecting easy targets, but Hogie hit with a massive bite knocking him to the floor. Shalelu followed up with a couple of sword attacks which didn't hurt him, but did remove a spell protecting him from damage. Xantumal came back over to help. Soon they had him unconscious and Xantumal coup-de-graced him.
All attention was then turned on the Hezrou which was soon defeated, then everyone attacked the Glabrezu who was able to survive a few rounds more but was defeated as well.
Some Shadow Mastiffs had attacked before they defeated the Glabrezu, Phain sent two lightning bolts down the hallways leaving only 4 badly injured hounds left. A Scorching Ray spell killed three more and the last was easily dispatched.